Wear Your Confidence University is the premier Christian Modeling School of its kind that can make anyone a model! Whether you want to be a professional model or you are ready to make life your runway, WYCU will equip you mentally, physically and emotionally for the industry and for the real world. WYCU offers a 14-week program for girls who are ready to take their career and life to the next level!

WYCU is for those who WANT TO:
Pursue modeling
Become more confident
Learn to make life their runway

...Before doing this fashion show, even last year, I always tried to be confident in myself... doing the fashion show really helped boost my confidence even more...all of the cheers from the crowds and positive words give you a feeling like never before and makes me really happy..." -Savannah, 14


Enroll in
Wear Your Confidence
University today!
Enrollment includes:
WYC book
Certificate of Completion
End of year fashion show
WANT to be a participant
in the WYCU end of year fashion show?
WYCU offers an end year fashion and talent show where girls (ages 7-18) get to showcase their talent to the community and industry professionals.
(This is for those who want to participate in the fashion show ONLY and do not want to enroll in the University.)
The Evolution of Her Fashion Show-2019

Could you or your daughter use a boost in confidence?
WYCU offers Confidence Coaching which is crafted to help you know who you are, increase your self-esteem and boost your confidence! Each session is designed specifically for you to tackle issues that you are struggling with.
How do you know if Confidence Coaching is for you?
Click below to find out!
* All deposits and sales are final
For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, fill out the form below
or you can reach us here: wyctv1@gmail.com